David aka Smallface

Created by tnmr76 3 years ago

How have you gone? 

This one hits different
Not sure this will be a reality we will ever get used to. 
We now all have a very different normal, a world without you seems mad. 
You have left a David size hole in so many lives. 
When I think of you I will try and laugh and smile because that is what we did best.
I will try not to talk of you in the past tense because you will be forever with us in the present.
You are funny, you are the joker, you are the life and soul of any party
You are David

Although my heart is heavy when I think of you it is lifted when I see the 
best gift you ever gave me was our son Remi
You witnessed his first breath
Helped teach him to swim
Helped teach him to ride a bike 
Helped teach him to read and write
He is the best of both of us, a Tanyia and David swirl
I thanked you for him and I will continue to be thankful to you for him

Thank you for the love and laughter David🖤
Love always 
Tanyia (SmallFace) xxx
